Monday, October 28, 2013

The Biggest Benefits of Reading Self Help Books Tips

There are many benefits for reading self-help books. One of the biggest benefits is that for less than the price of a dinner at a restaurant, you can get great insights and information from some of the greatest minds in the world. Best of all, you can read it in the privacy of your own home. You can take the books and read them at the café or even when you are waiting at the airport. These books are relatively inexpensive, but with the right book, it has a mountain of knowledge that you can absorb. You can pick the brain of some of the greatest thinkers and get advice on a subject without having to come up with the information yourself.

You can literally learns and get years' worth of guidance on relationships, finance, personal growth, self-esteem, and many others in a matter of days or weeks. You can get lifetimes of study and experience all compacted in a hundred pages or so book. It is also very nice to just sit back and relax in your favorite chair and think about life principles and other very deep concepts that you may come across from reading self-help books.

Also, highlighting and re-reading the books gives you more depth and insight every time you read. You pick up more "nuggets" of information and advice with every read. Depending on the topic you are reading, you can heal old wounds in your soul. For example, people who have experienced traumatic abuse as a child can close chapter of their life behind him and can connect to the testimonials and stories of others. They will not feel alone anymore and it maybe the first time they feel that way.

Application is the most important aspect of reading self-help books. There are great exercises, summaries, and thoughtful open-ended questions that will help you not only reinforce what you have learned, but apply it as well. Only when you apply is when you finally the real physical growth and change within you, whatever you are looking to improve on. If you are looking to improve your relationship, you would have to apply the concepts and steps outlined in order to have a better relationship. Knowledge is great, but without application, it will be very difficult to see result.

There are so many areas of self-help that you can focus on and improve on.

Here is a list of them here:


Time Management

Weight Loss and Fitness



Personal Transformation


Interpersonal Skills

Speaking and Conversations

Spirituality and Religion

This is just a small list and each focus has even smaller niches. "Love" for example has love for teens, women, men, people over 30 etc.

Well I hope after reading this gives you an idea of the potential of reading self-help books.
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Women Self Help

Everyone needs a helping hand during some point in their lives. Therefore, there are many support groups for women online. It doesn't matter what type of situation you may be facing in life, you could always seem to find self help for women. There are a lot of self help for women organizations out there that you can pick that better suits your interests and needs. There are some women self help organizations that charges a small membership fee and some are free of charge. Self help for women have a great reputation for helping women transform to successful and confident women.

There are a lot of women that may have self esteem issues. They often feel like they aren't good enough and their minds are often clouded with negative thoughts. Many self help for women organizations encourages their members to purchase positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are also known as subliminal messages. Subliminal messages have a very high success rate. A lot of women use subliminals during their everyday life. They are often used to help enable you to focus on the great points in life not the bad. They help you search deep for the positive in every negative situation because everything happens for a reason.

Self help for women can also help women with relationship problems. There are many women that seek relationship advice. They seek help on how to improve their relationships. Women self help organizations provide them with useful resources that helps them learn skills for getting their relationship back on track.

Also, there are millions of women in the world that experience abuse during some point in their life. They may have an abusive boyfriend or an abusive husband and they may need some advice on how to get out of the situation. Self help for women could give women useful information on how to get out of the relationship safely. They can also get them involved with women support groups.

Therefore, whatever situation that any woman may encounter in her life and need help with moving towards the right path. Self help for women organizations are designed to provide them with many resources and develop activities that would give them more knowledge and help transform them to the woman they hope to become. They help give you strength, confidence, ambition, drive, and determination to live your life to the fullest without any regrets or risks. Life is a learning process and self help for women organizations would help get your life back on the right track. If you want to see an example of a great self help for women organization, Click here

[] is a well known women self help organization that offers free unlimited advice and great information.
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Self Help and Life Success Resources

It is not an easy thing to realize that your friend or relative might have a substance abuse problem. It can be one of the toughest things that you might have to deal with. What makes the situation even worse, is if the person is in denial. Denial is the biggest issue that you will have to face when dealing with something like this. Denial can take many forms from a complete refusal to truly accept the reality of the situation to some partial acceptance or an acknowledgment of a problem with a justification for doing it. All of this is denial and any kind of denial is going to stop the person from solving the problem and getting help. As long as a person is in denial, rehabilitation for the substance abuse is not going to work and the problem will just continue to get worse and no healing can be done.

Below are a few pointers on how to deal with denial.

The first thing you need to understand is that when someone is in denial, it is not the same thing as if they were lying to you about something. When someone lies they are committing a conscious act, a liar truly knows when they are lying and it is their decision to do so. However, someone that is in denial honestly believes everything they are saying. So, it is never a good idea to accuse them of lying, call them a liar or treat them like one.

The next thing you need to do is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you might actually be contributing to their denial by always making up excuses for their abuse. "Oh she's over drinking because she just came out of a difficult marriage, or lot a job, or someone died...etc." When you do this, you, yourself are in denial and this does not help the situation at all.

Whatever is said or done by the person who is in denial cannot be taken personally. This is part of the illness and it is common that they will blame their addictions on you or someone else. Through their denial they will tell themselves that it's because no one understands, or everyone else is wrong and they are right. No matter what, they are not seeing the world through a clear and healthy mind and they are only trying to find ways to defend themselves against their own actions.

The best way to start to help someone who is abusing is to find a person that they really and truly trust to sit down and discuss the abuse with them. It's going to be a complete waste of time if someone they don't trust tries to sit down with them and talk to them about their problems. Lack of trust will be just another excuse for them to continue to deny the fact that they have a serious problem.

If trust can be gained and the abuser can finally sit down and ask them these important questions:

Could it be possible that this person sees thing I can't see?
What things they are saying do sound true?
Why does what they say to me threaten me?

They can perhaps then take the first step in seeking the help that they need and hopefully be able to find the right program that will lead them out of the world of substance abuse and back into the world of reality where they belong with those that love them.

For more free Self Help & Personal Success Information download Amy's Free Self Help & Personal Success Information Series at and join thousands of other people who are taking control of their lives and achieving personal success!

For other free information on a variety of issues please visit
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